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Todas as traduções - mimsan

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Língua de origem
A solicitação desta tradução é "Somente o Significado".
Finlandês Olen poissa enkä lue sähköpostiani vähään...
Olen poissa enkä lue sähköpostiani vähään aikaan.
Kiireellisissä asioissa soita
This is a response I have had from an email sent.

Traduções concluídas
Inglês I will be away and won´t read my email for a short period. An urgent errands call.
Norueguês Jeg vil være borte...
Sueco Jag är bortrest och jag läser inte min e-post på ett tag.
Espanhol Estaré ausente y no podré
Língua de origem
Inglês On your joyful wedding day, You begin a...
On your joyful wedding day,
You begin a brand new life.
Friends and family give their gifts
To joyful husband, blissful wife.
But the greatest gift you'll ever get,
A gift sent from heaven above,
Is love forever, ending never,
Everlasting love.

You'll share life's joy and pleasure;
You'll have plenty of that, it's true.
But love is the real treasure
For your new spouse and you.

Traduções concluídas
Sueco På er glädjerika bröllopsdag